
Rugby League Ireland operates under the Sport Ireland’s National Anti-Doping Programme which acts to protect Ireland’s sporting integrity against the threat of doping. More information on Anti-Doping can be found on the Sport Ireland website

As Rugby League Ireland members, our athletes are all subject to the Sport Ireland Anti-Doping Rules

As an athletes it is important you stay informed, for up to date relevant information on prohibited substances you should refer to the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA) website

It is important that athletes check if any medication they are taking is permitted, particularly during a competition. You can check medication or individual ingredients on the label of a medicine on Eirpharm for those bought in the Republic of Ireland or on Globaldro for those bought outside the Republic of Ireland

Supplement brands should only be used if they have their supplements third party audited by Informed Sport

Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE)

A TUE permits an athlete to use a prohibited substance or method if the substance or method is medically required.

Athletes may be required to apply for pre-test TUE or they may be eligible for a post-test TUE. Check out the Sport Ireland TUE Policy to determine which TUE applies to you.

For more information, please contact the RLI Anti-Doping Officer –

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